Bringing present healing and eternal hope to communities across the globe
Our Mission
REACH Foundation exists to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with unreached populations.
We gather individuals across multiple professions working alongside, treating, curing and transferring knowledge to orphaned and vulnerable populations worldwide.
Our Vision
Our vision is to develop sustainable communities that demonstrate the transformative power of God’s grace and love for all
Our work
Medical Missions
Orphanage Support
“Just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”
Matthew 20:28
Where we serve
Our primary mission ground is Ghana, West Africa. This beautiful, culturally-rich nation of 30+ million people sparks hope in what God is doing around the globe.
Our primary partnerships are in the Kumasi and Accra areas, along with those cities’ surrounding communities and villages.
Our foundation has significant opportunities to live out it’s mission both abroad and at home.
Based in Springfield, MO. Our team continues to find ways for us to care for the needs around us while stateside.
Lord, help us comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we receive from God
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